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We Love You Mum!!

All that we are and all that we hope to be, we owe to one special person.

Behind every individual is a Mum that’s seen it all. The highs and the lows, the laughter and the tears, without our Mum’s we wouldn’t be the people we are today. We asked our team to share some thoughts on the special women that bought them into the world and inspired them to be the best that they can be…


Pete Oswald

Pete-Oswald Pete-Oswald-2


Kate Fluker



Trevor Voyce



In our household being a mother of 4 boys made my mum somewhat of an action figure. She made things happen and she made them happen quickly. Logistics, transport, accommodation, food, clothing all sorted. It’s a characteristic of many mothers but mothers of 4 all have it. Outsiders would question the use of high power stimulants but for me it was always “that is and has always been my mum”. Having her in my support crew over the past 10 years has been a no brainer – she drives the ship.


Sue Mavor


My mum helped me become the athlete I am today by

  • Giving me some natural sporting ability
  • Showing me how to be determined and what I can achieve with determination
  • Transporting us to swim and netball training and competitions for years
  • Tirelessly being a timekeeper and lane counter at so many swim meets
  • Practicing for hours with us shooting goals for netball (she was a great shot).
  • Fueling us for years with good home cooked meals
  • Giving us her Wimbledon tickets most summers
  • Giving me a bike and encouraging me to use it
  • Sending me to Easter tennis camp every year


Emily Wilson


My Mum has been my greatest supporter over the years, she really deserves a medal!! She has taken on many roles crewing for me, including being my psychologist, sponsor and taxi. Mum is the sounding board for all my plans and goals and she seems to know me better than I know myself at times!! Totally grateful


Merrin Brewster


A few years ago a number of my biking friends started becoming mums. As the kids are growing, these awesome mums (and dads!) are introducing their kids to a variety of amazing activities. But it’s also cool how they are doing it. To me (as a non-parent), it’s the fun element that they are showing to the sprogs; that activity is fun, exercise is fun, being outside is fun. They take the kids camping, short hikes (with little backpacks with their cheese, crackers, grapes etc), wee adventures in the local forests, tootling round the local mountain bike tracks on their little bikes (it’s very cute!). Also getting them along to local organised events – balance bike fun events/races, ‘stride ’n slide’ etc. There is absolutely no pressure on them to perform – rather it’s about getting out there and giving it a go. Falling off, falling down, getting up, on or over, getting dirty, getting out there. To me it seems that they are instilling a life–long love of being active.
No only that, but these mums also try and stay fit and active when they can; they slip out for a run, swim, bike or adventure for their own mind and body when the schedule allows.
Living and leading by example.


Jess Manchester



Bob McLachlan


Being the husband of the mother of our two children I now have a matured understanding of all my mum has done to help me achieve over the years, often with no credit and minimal thanks. Mother’s Day is a great day to offer mum the thanks and understanding of what she has sacrificed so my dreams and goals can flourish and be grasped with the confidence that I am headed in the right direction.
I have been involved in many sports at international level and have not once been discouraged and told to get a hair cut and find a real job by mum – not that I doubt she has thought about it often, in particular the job part.
Competing in the Coast to Coast after a 25 year break since my first attempt, and now with a wife and two small girls meant not only a big juggle of time and commitment for me but a massive effort from my wife Cat who was also training for the Red Bull Defiance and managing the children.
Our home was run like a Swiss railway station with time allotments that made for transition practice as we tag teamed our disciplines, one coming in the door off a run while the other (already kitted up) would head out on the bike.
I ended up being a last minute call in for Defiance too and that is where a mum stepped up again, but this time it was Cat’s mum who looked after the kids to make it all possible. To top it off we were both met by hot food and our elated little girls at the finish.
We then had a weekend away for work in February which meant we got back and headed straight up to the Coast to Coast. Then for me back to work on Sunday after the race. Cat and a friend Simon were my support crew.
Mum, as much as she loves to support me, looked after the grandkids once again – and they love a break from mum and dad to be spoiled by Nan. Thanks to a lot of help from family, friends, my amazing support crew and our mums, I managed a second place overall in the one day event and was first Vet over the line.
I have gathered from many comments since the race that I not only achieved my own goals but have been an inspiration to many who want to achieve their goals. I am not sure if the thought pattern is that “if he can do it anyone can”, or to just do it before you are too old. For me to set and reach goals I have had a lot of people who have inspired me in many ways, some know who they are but many will be oblivious. I would like to put out a big thank you to those people and especially my mother but also all those mothers out there who make such a big impression on our lives.
I am the son of my mother, a husband of a mother and maybe even a father of mothers to be and I know how special and loved all those mothers are. You are the inspiration of the past, the present and the future, and I hope you have a wonderful day.


Hunter Morgan


My mum Kathryn plays a huge part in my biking. She is so supportive and I am so grateful to her. Best of all Mum believes in me, this is the most important thing. She has always told me if you can dream it, believe it, work hard, you can achieve it. The encouragement, the financial support, meeting my nutritional needs for my biking is important but having someone believe in you is everything.


Cam Cole


I would never have had the opportunity to race as a professional athlete if my Mum (and Dad) had not invested in my racing to begin with. Bringing a healthy person into the world is a feat in itself, helping that person become a professional athlete is another.


Jackson and Rose Green


Freddy (our son) says of Rose “My Mummy takes me mountain biking on her bike. I love going round corners with big berms. I wanna go the high line Mummy”.
Rose says of her mum “Thanks Mum for spending so much time with our children, so we can go and race the tandem”.
I say “Thanks Mum for teaching me how to take joy from the outdoors”.


Fiona Dowling



Josh Reilly



Thanks mum for buying my first bike, taking me to muddy trails and letting me get dirty. For driving me to events and transporting me and all the mud back home. And thanks for washing my kit so it looks good every time so I could go and muck it all up again. Really appreciate your support, I couldn’t have cleaned up all that mud without your help! Happy Mothers Day!


Erin Greene


My mum has been the most supportive person I could ever ask for. Bringing me up on her own on limited funds taught me to have a ‘can do’ attitude. She has been there every step of the way, from cleaning my bloody knees when I was young and foolish to staying up all night to make sure I am well fed during the longest races. I would not swap her for anyone else.


Sophie Hart


My Mum entered me in my first multi-sport race. I didn’t know how to kayak, but she said I’d be fine. I spent the whole race worrying she was going to beat me. Luckily she didn’t, otherwise my future in the sport would have been short.
Here’s a photo of my Mum with our team before the start of GodZone this year. She was everyone’s Mum during the race, giving out hugs at the TA’s.


Katie Schofield


My sporting journey wouldn’t be the same without her support. Mum is ALWAYS there with a hug and encouraging words, or an ear for my troubles. She inspires me every day to be the best version of me.


Nora Audra


I wouldn’t be who I am, if it wasn’t for my mum. She is my idol and inspiration. Always positive, supported me in all my adventures and taught me that the best thing in life is to travel and be adventurous, no wonder why I became an adventure racer and moved to New Zealand. She always encouraged me to follow my dreams, and helped me through the tough times. I dedicate who I am to her!


Malcolm McLeod


I would like to put a plug in for the mother of my two girls. Coincidently my first race (I was a late starter) and motherhood came along together, I have two vivid memories of that Goldrush 16 years ago, the size of the hills and the size of my 8 month pregnant wife cheering me on! Tarsh has been a fantastic supporter of my racing over the years and seems to effortlessly help our girls and I whenever or wherever. I still find it funny the time that she was adamant that I might run out of steam mid race and that I should really take the Leppin bottle with me, she wasn’t letting up and it was getting stuffed into my pocket no matter what… until I quietly told her it was chain lube! Or just recently when we’d been weighing up a family holiday and I was REALLY late home from a training run and in her fit of rage (means relief I was alive) she told me as punishment that she’d booked the trip. Pretty good punishment, but I won’t be that late again! Anyway I guess that’s what Mums do… they just care.


Simon Lansdaal


To this day my mum still comes to every race she can and is always there to help me out. I think she enjoys going to the races just as much as me. A couple years ago she flew down to Christchurch just to come support me so thanks mum!


Isla Smith




Can’t thank my mum enough for how she supports me. Self-appointed taxi driver, support crew and logistics planner, she has never missed a big race. Her encouragement, support and belief in me and have helped me reach where I am today. I couldn’t ask for a better mother to look up to!


Latham Fairhall


Thanks Mum for doing the endless amount of dirty washing I produce and for having the hot meal waiting for me after training. But most of all, thanks for being my biggest supporter, believer and encouragement!


Anja McDonald


My mum’s a mountain biker, so am I. I started riding with her and a group of her friends. I used to struggle to keep up at the start, trying in vain to hide the effort needed to keep up with women up to 30 years my senior.
My mum came to the first MTB race I did, the Karapoti, as support and a competitor in her own right. I was as proud of her as she was of me. 10 years later she came to the biggest MTB race of my career, the world champs in Scotland. She travelled to the other side of the world for just one weekend to see me race. I was floored by that gesture – so proud, so supportive and so generous. That’s my mum!


Naomi Whitehead


My mum is amazing.
My mum has been with me during my best moments in life and during my worst moments in life.
She is always there to lend a hand when times are tough.
She will lift me up and mop up the tears, then inspire me to face my fears.
My mum is not just a mum she is a daughter, a wife, a grandmother, a nurse, a listener and an inspiration.
She believes in me and loves me to eternity.
My mum is amazing.


Fleur Pawsey


My Mum. Support Crew extraordinaire: veteran of far too many 4am starts to make breakfast for me on race-day. Super teammate: we’ve made a pretty damn good mother daughter team at countless triathlons – she takes the swim leg, I bike and run. I reckon I get the easy bits, though she says the same thing. Inspiration: at the age of 68, my Mum competed in her first Spring Challenge adventure race. She’s back again this year, and she’s pretty sure she’s going to become the first 70 year old adventure racer too! Yep, my Mum’s not bad at all.




Thanks to Mums everywhere just for being you. We wouldn’t be here without you and can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done for us. We love you lots and hope you enjoy your special day!!


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