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Athlete Blogs: Sophie Schollum – The Ultimate Wakeboard Road Trip

With boards, tents, a good crew and winches packed in our cars we set off on the ultimate winching road trip.

Our goal was to winch places that have never been ridden before.

We set off from Auckland to Queenstown scouting out the raddest places, riding where we could and camping our way down New Zealand.




The first spot we hit was the Waihou near Putaruru. The Waihou produces 70% of bottled water for New Zealand and is probably some of the purest/bluest water you will ever see. We set ourselves up in that spot for a few hours and were pumped when we left. We posted up along the desert road for the night, freezing our butts off with lack of good camping equipment and warm gear. One of the members (Ekke Eller) left his wetty out all night and woke up with it frozen solid.

The next day we headed straight to the South Island, crossed the Cook Straight and scouted out a few spots before posting up in Culverden. We had access to chainsaws, utes, rivers, lakes, water races, you name it we had it and we made the most of it. We found an old Willow tree sawed it up into pieces and built ourselves a rail sitting in 10cm of water. The old heart was pumping for this one.. A sketchy rail and 10cm deep water, what could go wrong? After a few mouthfuls of gravel we got the rail sussed and had a good time jibbing our master piece. We rode until sunset then headed back for a good nights rest and look over all the footage.




After a couple days in Culverden we headed to Geraldine and met up with local shredder Mark Holder. He had spots that we had only dreamed of riding. 2-3m drops, massive dam walls and pipes. It was like a playground for us. A few gnarly bails and a few sick tricks were thrown down over these few days and the stoke levels were high. We camped up in Twizel and did day trips from there to the craziest spots we could find. One of the crazy spots we stumbled across was a 170m long tunnel. The water was only 5cm deep but boy oh boy was it awesome. This tunnel went under the massive canals and felt like a never ending ride, the adrenaline was pumping.

On our way down south we stopped by the Blue Pools in Haast pass. We were skeptical about riding here since its a national park and all. But hey the tourists loved it! The water was freezing and unfortunately not as blue as we had hoped for. Still we winched it and had a good time.

As you’d expect the typical NZ summer to pan out we had a few rainy days along our trip, this lead to not much riding some days, lots of coffee drinking and flooded tents. We moved on to Queenstown.

As soon as we got to Queenstown the sun was blaring like there was no tomorrow and we were frothing. We headed straight to the lake front and set ourselves up for a double winch hopping over the wharves.

We created a pretty epic video edit (thanks to DKT Edits and Huss) and you should probably check it out and share the stoke!

Shout out the sick crew that helped out, Dan, Hamish, Ekke, Mark, Ryan, Joe, Jared, Aaron


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